What To Look For In A Can Seamer For Your Oil Filter Manufacturing Plant

Can seamers offer a wide range of applications, and they are commonly used to assemble oil filters for vehicles. The can seamer you choose for your oil manufacturing plant will depend on the type of features that are important to you and your staff. Here is a brief rundown of some options you can select for your can seamers.

Mode Of Operation

The volume of filters you plan to produce each day can help you to determine the mode of operation for your can seamer. Some models come with foot pedals to power the seaming process, while others come with pneumatic buttons. Foot pedals may be more appropriate for factories producing smaller volumes or for filters that have complex designs, which can require a bit more time to create. Pneumatic buttons, on the other hand, allow for fast turnaround. This makes them a smart option for higher-output manufacturing facilities.

Filter-Friendly Design

Not all can sealers can be used for creating oil filters. You'll want a model designed specifically for use with spin-off filters, as they seal the drum of the filter while keeping each piece compatible with automobiles for easy installation. In some cases, can sealers come with interchangeable parts to accommodate different types of cans, but you'll want to double-check to ensure the sealer you choose will provide the desired results for your filters.

Pleat Seaming

You'll want a machine that can seam the pleats for your filters without causing damage to them, as this can reduce the effectiveness of each filter to do its job once installed in a vehicle. In some cases, you can find machines that can create the pleats and seam them, creating a smooth operating process on your manufacturing floor.


Of course, the size of the machine you choose will be critical for your business. You'll want to allow enough room around your machine to keep your employees safe as they walk through the manufacturing floor. Before you select a can seamer, measure off the available space you have, including how much room you need to allow on all sides for safe installation. Once you know just how much room you need, you can choose the seamer that is right for your floor. Some seamers have a vertical orientation, which can save space, while others have a horizontal layout, which takes up more room. However, keep in mind that sometimes the horizontal models can come in handy for high-volume applications, as they can sometimes yield large batches of filters.

Once you have gone over all of the important elements of can seamers for oil filter manufacturing, you'll be able to choose the option that works the best for your business.
